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A Method of Attributes Reduction Using the Binary Discernibility Matrix(PDF)


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A Method of Attributes Reduction Using the Binary Discernibility Matrix
Wang ZhiheDu YueZhang Xiaoxia
College of Mathematics and Information Science,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China
d isce rnibility ma tr ix b inary d iscern ib ility m atr ix attributesreduction
A imm ing at the shortages o f d iscern ib ilitym a trix tha t conta ins null e lem ents and dup lica te e lem en ts, am ethod o f attr ibutes reduc tion based on bina ry discern ib ility m atr ix w as presented in this paper. It not on ly guarantees the integrity and accuracy of the attr ibutes reduction resu lts, but a lso cuts dow n the tim e and space o f the operation.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02