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Creative Design of Furniture Configuration Based on Genetic Algorithm(PDF)


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Creative Design of Furniture Configuration Based on Genetic Algorithm
Dong ChunlongLiu Xiyu
School of Management and Economy,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China
creative design ICAD Ac is /H oops genetic a lgor ithm
Th is paper pu ts forw ards an approach based on evo lutionary a lgo rithm in crea tive evo lutionary sy stem s. The m ethod m akes good use of the genetic algor ithm s s’ evo lution function and A cis s’ pow fulm ode ling advantage, and gene tic a lgo rithm based on tree structure is a po int o f innova tion. A crea tive evo lutionary system is developed in Ac is /H oops. It can produce som e creative sty le designs. Exper im ents prove that gene tic a lgor ithm can improve the creative evo lu tionary system s.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02