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Case Study on Automotive Parts in EMC Testing(PDF)


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Case Study on Automotive Parts in EMC Testing
Deng LingxiangFeng ZhimingChen DaoshengShao YudaWu PinghongZhou Lei
Jiangsu Metrology Institute of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210007,China
autom otive EMC case stduy
Th is paper analyzed the test dev ice and test m ethods of automo tive parts conducted and radiated em issions, according to the requ irem ents o f dom estic and inte rnational standards fo r the automo tive EMC standa rds. The correspond?? ing test circu it was created. Them easurem ent results o f the pow er line conducted em iss ion test and the ho rizontal po lari?? zation rad iated em iss ion test are obta ined. Anecho ic chamber and large curren t injection m ethod w ere carr ied out to test the RF field imm un ity and com pa red w ith each othe r in term s of the advantages and disadvantag es. Genera l princ ipa ls o f parts testing are summ ar ized and them a in parts o f autom otive causing EMC are analyzed, w hich w ill o ffer som e gu idance to the design o f au tom otive EMC.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02