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Analysis of Chemical Additives in LPG by GC(PDF)


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Analysis of Chemical Additives in LPG by GC
Fu RongjinHua YichaoSi WeiYi Jifeng
Nanjing Institute of Supervision and Testing on Product Quality,Nanjing 210028,China
gas chrom atography liquefied pe tro leum gas d ime thy l ethe r
Gas chrom atography coup led w ith dua l??column was used to analyze the chem ica l add itives in the liquefied pe?? troleum gas based the or ig ina l chrom atography m ethod. The new m ethod pe rfo rm ed qualitative and quantitative ana lyses o f the chem ical add itives in LPG. The results show s that by se lecting therm a l conductiv ity detecto r, contro lling gas ifica?? tion and co lumn temperature, the chem ica l add itives, for ex amp le dim e thy l ether w ere iso la ted. The new m ethod w as h igh effec tive in separa tion, easy tom anipulate, and has alm ost no m od ification in the instruments.


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Last Update: 2013-04-02