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Application of Digital Filter to Map Building for Mobile Robot(PDF)


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Application of Digital Filter to Map Building for Mobile Robot
Gu Xinyan
Department of Vehicle Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211167,China
mobile robotultrasonic sensorarc modeldigit filtermap building
As a typical distance sensor,the ultrasonic sensor has been widely used in mobile robot navigation,obstacle avoidance and map building. But it has some disadvantages,such as there are beam angle,poor direction and prone to reflections by some obstacles. Therefore,the key is to establish of a suitable model for ultrasonic sensors and effectively process ultrasonic data. In the paper,we use arc models of simplicity ultrasonic information. And then the digit filter is presented to improve the direction and fuse ultrasonic data,that can provide reliable characteristic information about barriers. Experiments prove that the method can improve the reliability of environment map building whether simple or complicated environment.


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Last Update: 2013-03-21