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Design of an Avoidance System on the Intelligent Vehicle Based on Multi-Sensors(PDF)


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Design of an Avoidance System on the Intelligent Vehicle Based on Multi-Sensors
Gu ZhihuaGe HuimeiXu XiaohuiLian MeilinZhang Jinlong
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
Arduinosensorintelligent vehicleavoidance system
In view of the existing difficulties in avoiding obstacle,an all-dimensional obstacle avoidance system is proposed.This system combines the ultrasonic obstacle avoidance at a single point with the infrared detection based on the double cross obstacle avoidance,with the Arduino as the main control unit in the system and Linux as the development platform.The data are collected by multiple sensors,and the intelligent vehicle is controlled by the computer to realize the all-dimensional obstacle avoidance.Multi-module coordination is used in the hardware system with higher adaptive capacity.The experimental result shows the designed system can greatly enhance the efficiency of obstacle avoidance and its success rate,and effectively realize the all-dimensional obstacle avoidance.


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Last Update: 2014-03-31