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Analysis of Essential Oil from the Roots of Libanotisbuchtormensis and Antibacterial Activity Test(PDF)


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Analysis of Essential Oil from the Roots of Libanotisbuchtormensis and Antibacterial Activity Test
Ge Xiaoxiao1Yao Cheng1Bian Min1Cao Li2
(1.College of Science,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211816,China)(2.College of Food Science and Light Industry,Nanjing Tech University,Nanjing 211816,China)
Libanotis buchtormensis(Fisch)DCessential oilGC-MS analysisantibacterial activity
The aim of this article is to improve comprehensive value of essential oils through studying the extraction methods of essential oils from roots of Libanotis buchtormensis(Fisch)DC and the antibacterial activity test. The essential oils are extracted by steam distillation and soxhlet extraction with different solvents. The chemical constituents of essential oils are identified and analyzed by GC-MS. The colon bacillus and staphylococcus aurous are used for antibacterial activity test. There are differences in extraction rate,kinds and contents with the different methods and different solvents. The antibacterial activity test proves that propagate frequency of colon bacillus and staphylococcus aurous are obviously restrained by essential oils from roots of Libanotis buchtormensis(Fisch)DC. Many compounds are isolated and identified for the first time. Effective constituents can be extracted by two methods in the general. Combining with the antibacterial activity test,essential oils from roots of Libanotis buchtormensis(Fisch)DC will get a very wide application foreground.


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Last Update: 2015-03-30