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Purification of Corncob Pectin and Identification of Its Composition(PDF)


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Purification of Corncob Pectin and Identification of Its Composition
Chen Xiaonan1Quan Xiaoqin1Jin Bangquan1Zhou Bei1Hu Jue1Wang Xianjing1He Yansu1Liu Chunquan2
(1.Department of Food Science and Nutrition,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
(2.Institute of Farm Product Processing,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanjing 210014,China)
D-galacturonic acidxyloserhamnosepurificationcorncob pectin
In order to increase corncob’s economic availability,crude corncob pectin is purified by DEAE-Cellulose52 and its sugar composition is analyzed. The results show that optimum column conditions are 6 mL-4%-1.5 mL/min-4∶2(VdH2O∶VNaCl)for purifying corncob pectin. At this conditions,purified pectin yield is increased twice or more with highly pure. Corncob pectin contains three sugar composition at least,such as D-galacturonic acid(D-GalA),xylose and rhamnose,so corncob pectin belongs to heteropolysaccharide. D-GalA is a major composition,about 49.23% in purified pectin;while the content of three is 61.66%. Summing up,this corncob pectin can be used in food industry,and also in developing new functional foods for human.


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Last Update: 2015-12-20