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Transducer Directivity Influence on Image Artifacts of MagnetoacousticTomography with Magnetic Induction(PDF)


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Transducer Directivity Influence on Image Artifacts of MagnetoacousticTomography with Magnetic Induction
Shen Yixin1Guo Gepu1Sun Xiaodong2Ma Qingyu1
(1.School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.China Key System & Integrated Circuit Co.,Ltd.,Wuxi 214035,China)
Magnetoacoustic tomography with magnetic induction(MAT-MI)has prosperous applied potential in early tumor diagnosis with the advantages of high spatial resolution and long penetration depth of sonography and the good contrast of electrical impedance tomography. To eliminate the image artifacts for MAT-MI,numerical simulations are conducted with a two-layer eccentric spherical tissue model,based on principles of acoustic dipole radiation and transducer reception. The generation of image artifacts in MAT-MI is analyzed and the influence of transducer directivity on image reconstruction is also achieved. The images reconstructed with different ka values prove that with the increase of ka,the transducer directivity is closer to a uni-directivity,resulting in reducing image artifacts until they disappear. This study provides the basis for transducer selection with improved image quality in MAT-MI.


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Last Update: 2016-12-31