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Station Turnout Data Storage Method and ImplementationBased on Adjacency List(PDF)


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Station Turnout Data Storage Method and ImplementationBased on Adjacency List
Yang Longping1Li Chungui2
(1.Department of Information,Liuzhou Railway Vocational Technical College,Liuzhou 545616,China)(2.College of Computer Science and Communication Engineering,Guangxi University of Science and Technology,Liuzhou 545001,China)
information technologystorage structureadjacency listrouteinterlocking devicenode
TM461; TN03
Computer technology has been widely used in the information management of railway. Most of traditional interlocking signal devices are mostly replaced by the computer interlocking. In order to use computer to choose train route automatically,the information of interlocking device is needed to be stored in the computer. The space and time efficiency of the information system are determined by data storage structure. This article analyzes the station yard information. It transforms the station yard to undirected graph’s topological structure which can be expressed by computer. It realizes that the signal interlocking device on the line of rail station can be automatic stored by building the adjacency list data structure,and designs the creation algorithm of adjacency list. The interlocking signal device in station can offer the efficient and reliable data to high-speed algorithm by using adjacency list storage structure.


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Last Update: 2016-12-31