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Topic Model Based on MixtureLDA in Microblog Platform(PDF)


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Topic Model Based on MixtureLDA in Microblog Platform
Wan Jiahua
Institute of Information Engineering,Anhui Xinhua University,Hefei 230088,China
Microblogtopic modelmicroblog typesmixtureLDA
Current studies on the topic model provide little discussion on time factor,but only focus on content factor. In this paper,a comprehensive content-considered and time-considered topic model,mixtureLDA is presented. Through the model one can obtain different kinds of user microblogs and time microblogs of topic probability distribution. The statistic data derived from Sina Weibo are applied as a case study. The results show that the topic model based on mixtureLDA provides more reliable topic probability distribution of user microblogs and time microblogs. Compared with MB-LDA and user LDA methods,the perplexity value from mixtureLDA method is lower,which means that it is more effective.


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