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Improved Particle Filtering Target Tracking Algorithm forHLBP and Color Feature Adaptive Fusion(PDF)


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Improved Particle Filtering Target Tracking Algorithm forHLBP and Color Feature Adaptive Fusion
Bian LeLi TianfengWei YiZeng Yumin
School of Physics Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
particle filterHLBP texture featurecolor featureadaptive weights
In this paper,an adaptive particle filter tracking algorithm combining HLBP feature and color feature is proposed. This algorithm is based on imperfection of the classical particle filter target tracking algorithm:it only uses the color feature to track and does not perform effectively in the same color interference condition. Our algorithm uses the Haar local binary model operator to extract the HLBP texture feature and combine it with the color feature. Through the opposed model,we dynamically adjust adaptive weights of the color characteristics and texture features in the tracking process,which achieve the adaptive fusion between the color feature and texture feature. Experiments show that the tracking result is greatly strengthened under the same color interference with our algorithm. What’s more,in case of occlusions, our algorithm can still track stably and continuously,thus improving the accuracy and applicability of tracking.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01