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Research on Algorithm of Multi-Scale Target DetectionBased on Deep Learning in Monitoring Scenario(PDF)


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Research on Algorithm of Multi-Scale Target DetectionBased on Deep Learning in Monitoring Scenario
Cheng Xianyi12Hu Haitao2Ji Guohua1Sun Lili1
(1.Department of Computer,Silicon Lake Vocational and Technical College,Kunshan 215323,China)(2.Nantong Research Institute for Advanced Communication Technologies,Nantong University,Nantong 226019,China)
deep learningtarget detectiondilated kernelof convolutionmonitoring scenarios
In view of a problem of missed inspection in the video image processing under the monitoring environment,we analyze the deep learning method commonly used in existing target detection algorithms-Faster R-CNN,and improve a deep convolution neural network based on VGG16 convolution neural network. Expanding the width of the neural network,by adding an empty core to the first volume layer,makes the target detection model have scale invariance. The Cifar-10 dataset is tested on the in-depth learning platform PyTorch. The experimental results show that the improved target detection algorithm has a better scale invariance and has more advantages in the monitoring scene.


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Last Update: 2018-09-30