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Multi-objective Optimal Design of the AsynchronousStarting Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor(PDF)


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Multi-objective Optimal Design of the AsynchronousStarting Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Yang Linguo
Anhui Vocational and Technical College,Hefei 230011,China
asynchronous startingpermanent-magnet motorCuckoo search methodresponse surfaceefficiency
With high efficiency,high power and good startability,the asynchronous starting permanent magnet synchronous motor is widely used in large starting torque. Aiming at the situation of pumping unit,the thesis designs an asynchronous starting permanent magnet synchronous motor with 30 kW,efficiency and starting torque as the optimization objective. Making use of response surface methodology to establish response model between the sizes of magnetic separation bridge,rotor slot and permanent magnet and efficiency and starting torque,taking advantage of Cuckoo search method to find optimal rotor size of response model. The situation of pumping unit with high efficiency and the parameter of the electric manufacturing of the high starting torque are obtained.The establishment of the motor element analysis model is to compare and analyze the starting function before and after optimization,so the simulation result proves the precision and rationality of the optimization method.


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Last Update: 2018-09-30