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The New Technology of Combination of Photoelectric Conversionand Frost-Like Defrosting in Air Source Heat(PDF)


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The New Technology of Combination of Photoelectric Conversionand Frost-Like Defrosting in Air Source Heat
Zhu DongxueChu HongyanLu ShihuaNing JieyuGao Xiaolei
School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
photoelectric conversionfrost-like defrostingintelligent control systemfalse defrosting
The advantages and disadvantages of various frosting and defrosting techniques are analyzed. It is proposed to combine the photoelectric conversion frosting with the cascade-like cyclic defrosting to obtain more effective frosting and defrosting effects. The specific contents include: applying the now mature photoelectric principle to the frost measuring device. In using photoelectric conversion to measure frost,when the voltage value of the photoelectric signal reaches the defrosting requirement,the intelligent control system switches to the defrosting mode in time. The high pressure compressor continue to heat. A Low-pressure compressor performs defrost cycle. It realizes heating and defrosting at the same time. The test results show that the combination of frosting and defrosting technology avoids the occurrence of false defrosting accidents and ensures the running stability,a shortening defrosting time and an improved defrosting effect of the compressor.


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Last Update: 2018-12-30