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Study of the Food Nitrogen Footprints of Urbanand Rural Residents in Jiangsu Province(PDF)


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Study of the Food Nitrogen Footprints of Urbanand Rural Residents in Jiangsu Province
Zhang Yajuan1Wang Yanhua12Cai Zucong12Qiu Yu1Yang Hao12
(1.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application,Nanjing 210023,China)
Jiangsu provinceurban and rural residentsnitrogen flow modelnitrogen footprintfood chain
X24; F126.1
The acceleration of the urbanization process has led to the circulating of active nitrogen in the food chain of the urban and rural residents. The purpose of the food nitrogen footprint is to quantify the active nitrogen released in the food life cycle and identify the environmental effects imposed by the active nitrogen. Accordingly,this paper discusses how to shrink the environmental impacts made by the active nitrogen emissions in urban areas. To calculate the amount of the active nitrogen circulating in the food chain,the data during year 1990 to 2015 in Jiangsu province are analyzed. The results show that per capita food nitrogen footprint in urban and rural areas is the opposite trend. However,in 2012 they are equal. For urban areas,food nitrogen footprint rises from 16.08 kgN/(person·yr)to 21.52 kgN/(person·yr),with an average of(19.93±1.45)kgN/(person·yr). The food nitrogen footprint in rural areas decreases from 23.84 kgN/(person·yr)in 2000 to 20.21 kgN/(person·yr)in 2015,with an average of(22.33±1.34)kgN/(person·yr). The food nitrogen factor is dominant factor leading to large food nitrogen footprints. However,to shrink the food nitrogen footprint,we apply some methods,just as reducing the amount of fertilizer,promoting the ideals of low nitrogen consumption,improving the processing efficiency,initiating the campaign of“Clear Plate”etc.


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Last Update: 2019-03-30