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Power Quality Analysis of Microgrid with Impact Load(PDF)


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Power Quality Analysis of Microgrid with Impact Load
Guan Weixiang1Qian Junxia2Wang Liang2Zhang Hailong1Wang Enrong1
(1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Jiangsu Keneng Power Engineering Comsulting Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 211102,China)
the AC microgrid with wind-light storagethe steel-making electric arc furnacethe impact loadpower quality
The microgrid can effectively reduce the impact of distributed power generation on the power grid and improve the reliability of power supply by connecting the distributed power source and the large power grid. However,because of the relatively fragile grid and the massive access of the impact load,the factors such as voltage imbalance and the grid harmonics have become more and more obvious for the impact of the microgrid power quality. The grid-connected system of AC microgrid with wind-light storage is established,and the steel-making electric arc furnace is used as the typical impact load model. The three-phase unbalance,voltage fluctuation and harmonic caused by the melting period of the arc length change are analyzed mainly in the paper. The results show that the impact load access has a great impact on the power quality of the microgrid system under the grid connection mode.


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Last Update: 2019-12-31