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Business Model,External Environment and Performance of Securities Companies—Empirical Analysis Based on Structural Equation Model(PDF)


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Business Model,External Environment and Performance of Securities Companies—Empirical Analysis Based on Structural Equation Model
Liu Mingzhu12Zhao Ziqiang2
(1.School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Ginling College,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
securities companiesbusiness modelperformancestructural equation
The relationship between the business model,external environment and performance of the listed securities companies in China is empirically analyzed through the structural equation model. Results show that the securities of the company’s business model have significant positive effects on the performance,the external environment has a significant negative effect on performance,at the same time,the external environment of the securities firm has a positive effect on its business model. By analyzing the reasons,we can realize that due to the rapid development of Internet and big data,the complex industry environment,policy environment and rapidly changing economic environment prompt securities companies to constantly adjust their business models to face a series of environmental shocks to business. When the operation of the new business model is gradually stable and adapted to the external environment,it can promote the improvement of the performance of the securities firm. Based on the empirical results,the paper puts forward some suggestions on business model innovation of securities companies.


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Last Update: 2020-03-15