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Experimental Research on Heating Performance of Air SourceHeat Pump Double-End System in Winter(PDF)


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Experimental Research on Heating Performance of Air SourceHeat Pump Double-End System in Winter
Dai Chunxiang1Xia Yi1Han Wei2Zhu Yixiu1
(1.School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Yangzhou Yihe Investment Development Co.,Ltd.,Yangzhou 225000,China)
fan coilground radiant heatingdefrostheating performanceair source heat pump
The paper conducts an air source heat pump double terminal practical application,tests the supply air temperature,ground temperature,indoor air temperature,main engine supply and return water temperature and supply and return of rooms with different floor decoration materials during winter heating at the fan coil and ground radiation air conditioner terminals water temperature and ground temperature,and then gets the temperature increase speed and indoor vertical temperature distribution of the two air conditioners. The results of the study show that:the former’s supply air temperature rises at a rate of 11.2 times that of the latter’s questioning rate,and under the two types of air-conditioning terminal heating,the former’s indoor air temperature at 1m rises at 3.73 times that of the floor heating terminal. It can reach a comfortable indoor temperature faster. Although the floor heating radiation slows the indoor heating speed,the uniformity of the vertical temperature distribution in the room is better than that of the fan coil.The defrosting of the main engine outdoor unit has a greater impact on the air supply temperature at the end of the fan coil. The end of the radiant floor,because the concrete layer of the ground has heat storage properties,has little effect on the surface temperature of the radiant floor and the temperature of the room. When the floor heating end is heated,the heating rate of the marble floor is 1.67 times that of the wooden floor,so the marble floor can reach a comfortable temperature faster.


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Last Update: 2020-12-15