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ALBERT-Based Named Entity Recognition of Chinese Medical Records(PDF)


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ALBERT-Based Named Entity Recognition of Chinese Medical Records
Chen Jie1Xi Xuefeng12Pi Zhou1Victor S Sheng3Cui Zhiming12
(1.School of Electronic and Computer Engineering,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou 215009,China)(2.Suzhou Smart City Research Institute,Suzhou 215009,China)(3.Computer Science Department,Texas Tech University,Texas 79431,USA)
ALBERTnamed entity recognitionclinical electronic medical recordsBiLSTMCRF
The main task of named entity recognition on medical record is to convert unstructured text into structured data,and then provide an important fundamental support for data mining for medical field tasks. This paper proposes a named entity recognition method for Chinese medical records based on ALBERT and fusion model. Firstly,we use manual labeling to expand the sample dataset,and fine-tune the dataset in conjunction with the ALBERT. Secondly,the Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory(BiLSTM)is used to extract the global features of the text. Finally,on the basis of the conditional random field model(CRF),sequence tags for named entities are made. The experimental results on the standard dataset show that the proposed method further improves the accuracy of name entity recognition on medical text and greatly reduces the time overhead.


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Last Update: 2021-03-15