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Analysis of Energy Consumption Characteristics of StrawInsulation Brick Buildings in the Full Life Cycle(PDF)


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Analysis of Energy Consumption Characteristics of StrawInsulation Brick Buildings in the Full Life Cycle
Wu YuqingLi JinyuanLiu YuhanLiu YitongXie TaojinHuang JinhuoLi XinyuChen Weiwei
School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
straw brickbuilding energy savingfull life cycleenergy consumption analysis
The pollutants released by straw burning have become one of the main sources of air pollution in China. When the straw is made into thermal insulation building materials,it can not only reduce the environmental pollution caused by its incineration,but also effectively reduce the building energy consumption. Therefore,a series of new straw recycled insulation bricks are made in this paper. The energy consumption in the construction,operation and demolition stages are comprehensively considered by using the full life cycle model,and the energy consumption characteristics of a hotel in Nanjing with different walls are analyzed by employing the Fourier’s Law. It is found that the increase of straw content can significantly improve the thermal properties of straw bricks,but that it will lead to the deterioration of their mechanical properties. The sample brick with a content of 4% has the best thermal and mechanical properties. When the bricks with the straw quality content of 4% are used to replace the commonly used clay red bricks and concrete bricks,21.8% and 68.2% power consumption can be saved in the whole life cycle respectively,which suggests a remarkable energy-saving effect and a strong application prospect.


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Last Update: 2021-03-15