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Microsatellite Distribution in the Whole Genome of Ageneiosus marmoratus(PDF)


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Microsatellite Distribution in the Whole Genome of Ageneiosus marmoratus
Su Mengyuan12Yang Wenshan12Tang Rongye12Xu Jiejie12Wang Tao12Yin Shaowu12
(1.School of Marine Science and Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center for Aquati Animals Breedingand Green Efficient Aquacultural Technology,Nanjing 210023,China)
Ageneiosus marmoratusmicrosatellitegenomedistribution characteristics
According to the complete genome sequence of Ageneiosus marmoratus published on NCBI,the microsatellites of the whole genome of Ageneiosus marmoratus are screened and analyzed by using MISA software. The results are as follows:there are 336 037 microsatellite sequences in the whole genome of Ageneiosus marmoratus(about 1.03 Gb),and the abundance is 326/MB. The total length of microsatellites is 7 720 686 bp,accounting for 0.75% of the whole genome. Among them,the number of microsatellites with two bases is the most,which is 145 318,accounting for 43.24% of the total number of microsatellites,followed by single base(37.12%),triple base(11.00%),four base(7.39%),five base(1.04%)and six base(0.21%). The dominant base types of microsatellites in the whole genome of Ageneiosus marmoratus are A,AC,AG,AT,AAT,AAAT,TATC,AAG,AAC and TGA,with a total of 305 243,accounting for 90.84% of the total number of microsatellites.


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Last Update: 2021-06-30