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An Overlapping Community Detection AlgorithmBased on Asymmetric Triangle Cuts(PDF)


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An Overlapping Community Detection AlgorithmBased on Asymmetric Triangle Cuts
Zheng Wenping123Bi Xinqi1Yang Gui1
(1.School of Computer and Information Technology,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China)(2.Key Laboratory of Computation Intelligence and Chinese Information Processing of Ministry of Education,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China)(3.Institute of Intelligent Information Processing,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China)
complex networkcommunity detectionoverlapping community detection algorithmasymmetric triangle cutcommunity fitness
Overlapping community detection has attracted more and more attention in the research of complex networks. An overlapping community detection algorithm has been presented based on asymmetric triangle cuts(ATCO). The fitness of a community is defined as the ratio of the triangles within the community and the asymmetric triangle cuts. Furthermore,the membership and connection strength of a node to a community is defined according to the triangle connection between the node and the community. Considering that difference parts of the complex network usually have different link density,we compute specific removal threshold and extension threshold to each node in community reduction and expansion process. ATCO algorithm consists of three main processes:community initialization,node removal and extension,and high overlapping community removing. An initial community consists of a node and its neighbors,and the neighbors are the periphery of the initial community. A peripheral node will be removed from the community,if its membership to the community is lower than the predefined removal threshold. An external node will be added to a community,if its connection strength to the community is higher than the predefined extension threshold. The removal and extension process will be performed iteratively until a stable result is obtained. Finally,communities with high overlap will be postprocessed. Compared with other 7 classical overlapping community detection algorithms on 7 networks with ground-truth,the proposed algorithm ATCO shows good performance in overlapping standard mutual information and F1 index.


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Last Update: 2022-03-15