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Prediction of Twisted Wire Crosstalk Based on Beetle Swarm Optimization-Back Propagation Neural Network(PDF)


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Prediction of Twisted Wire Crosstalk Based on Beetle Swarm Optimization-Back Propagation Neural Network
Zhou Jianming1Zhang Hailong1Zhao Yang1Yan Wei1Liu Xingfa2
(1.School of NARI Electrical and Automation,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Environmental Protection,Wuhan Branch of China Electric Power Research Institute,Wuhan 430074,China)
multiconductor transmission linescrosstalkchain parameterbeetle swarm optimization algorithm
With the development of current power equipment toward miniaturization,high frequency,and high power,the crosstalk caused by electromagnetic coupling between adjacent cables has become a problem that cannot be ignored. The research object of this paper is crosstalk between triple twisted wires. Different twist angles of twisted wires will bring about the change of per unit length(per unit length,PUL)RLCG parasitic parameters. It is no longer possible to directly solve the transmission line equation and obtain the crosstalk with conventional methods. With the help of the theory of frequency domain chain parameters,triple twisted wires are divided into several sections,and crosstalk is finally obtained by cascading each section. This paper proposes the Beetle Swarm Optimization(BSO)algorithm to optimize the weights of Back Propagation Neural Network(BPNN)to make the error smaller. Parasitic parameters at different sections of the strands are predicted,and optimization capabilities of BSO algorithm with Beetle Antennae Search(BAS)algorithm are compared. Finally,crosstalk is obtained on the basis of the parasitic parameters predicted by three methods of BSO-BP,BAS-BP and BP. Furthermore,crosstalk are compared with the simulation value of CST cable studio. The results show that BSO-BP algorithm has best agreement with simulated value,while the initial BP algorithm has the worst effect.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01