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Multi-Label Feature Selection Based on Neighborhood Approximation Error Rate(PDF)


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Multi-Label Feature Selection Based on Neighborhood Approximation Error Rate
Pan Siyuan12Liu Yuankui12Mao Yu12Lin Yaojin12
(1.School of Computer Science,Minnan Normal University,Zhangzhou 363000,China) (2.Fujian Key Laboratory of Granular Computing and Application,School of Computer Science,Minnan Normal University,Zhangzhou 363000,China)
multi-label learningfeature selectionneighborhood approximation error rate
Multi-label learning can process data associated with a set of labels simultaneously, and the study of multi-label learning is very important for learning modeling of polysemous objects. As with traditional single-label learning, the high dimensionality of data is an obstacle to multi-label learning, so data dimensionality reduction is a very important task, and feature selection is an effective data dimensionality reduction technique. A multi-label feature selection algorithm is proposed on the basis of the neighborhood approximation error rate. Firstly, based on the neighborhood rough set theory, the boundaries of instances are introduced to granularize all instances. Secondly, a neighborhood approximation error rate strategy is proposed to evaluate features based on the neighborhood decision error rate. Finally, extensive experiments are conducted on publicly available datasets.The results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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Last Update: 2023-03-15