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TRBFT Consensus Algorithm Based on Threshold Signature and Reputation Grouping(PDF)


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TRBFT Consensus Algorithm Based on Threshold Signature and Reputation Grouping
Liu JintaoShen Limin
(School of Computer and Electronic Information,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
blockchainconsensus algorithmthreshold signaturereputation groupingRaft
Based on the rapid development of the internet and the growing urgent demand for privacy protection,blockchain technology has become increasingly more popular and developed in the field of information sharing and trust,and the consensus algorithm,as the underlying key technology of blockchain,its efficiency determines the quality of blockchain application. Since the proposal the PBFT algorithm,there have been many improvement schemes based on it,but the effect of various PBFT optimization schemes in poor network real-time and multi-node scenarios is still unsatisfactory. Layering based on Raft algorithm,this paper proposes a low delay and high robustness threshold signature Raft Byzantine fault tolerance(TRBFT)by introducing BLS threshold signature into the leadership consensus process. Meanwhile,a dynamicgrouping strategy based on reputation value is proposed to avoid the situation that most Byzantine nodes appear in the same group,which improves the security of the scheme and further ensures the liveness of the algorithm. Finally,the experimental test results of the simulation environment show that the TRBFT has a better performance and a higher scalability compared with the original PBFT in the environment of poor network performance and more nodes.


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Last Update: 2023-12-15