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Evolution and Influencing Factors of Social-Ecological System Resilience in Qinghai Province(PDF)


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Evolution and Influencing Factors of Social-Ecological System Resilience in Qinghai Province
Bu Shijie1Tang Chengcai23Wang Qun1Zhuoma Cuo4
(1.School of Geography and Tourism,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241002,China)
(2.School of Tourism Sciences,Beijing International Studies University,Beijing 100024,China)
(3.Research Center for Beijing Tourism Development,Beijing 100024,China)
(4.College of Tourism,Qinghai Minzu University,Xining 810007,China)
social-ecological systemresilienceset pair analysisQinghai Province
The resilience measurement index system of tourism destinations' social,economic,and ecological subsystems are established from the two levels of vulnerability and adaptability,respectively. The set pair analysis method and obstacle degree model are used to explore the temporal changes and influencing factors of the resilience of tourism destinations in Qinghai Province from 2000 to 2021. The results show that:(1)From 2000 to 2021,the level of social-ecological system resilience of tourism destinations in Qinghai Province experienced a development process from low(2000-2002)to medium(2003-2007)to low(2008)to medium(2009-2015)to high(2016-2020)to medium(2021). The change in the resilience level of the system is related to the crisis events in similar years.(2)The vulnerability of the social and economic subsystems is rising,while the vulnerability of the ecological subsystems is declining. The adaptability index of the economic subsystem decreased significantly during 2019-2021,and the adaptability of the other two subsystems showed an overall rising trend. The economic subsystem's vulnerability and adaptability changes are the largest,and the turbulence is the most significant.(3)In terms of resilience,the ecological subsystem has a high starting point but short development momentum,the economic subsystem is most significantly affected by external disturbances,and the social subsystem has a relatively stable development trend.(4)The total number of tourists is the main obstacle to the level of resilience of the system,followed by the ratio of tourists to residents,the unemployment rate,the number of health beds,the area of fenced pastures,and the ratio of social security and employment expenditure to public financial expenditure.


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Last Update: 2023-12-15