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Improved Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization as well as Comparison between Them(PDF)


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Improved Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization as well as Comparison between Them
Ren Bin Feng Zhenping
Institute of Turbomachinery, Xian Jiaotong University,710049,Xian,PRC
function optimization improved genetic algorithm par ticle swarm optimization
As a new kind of optimization search techniques, the evolut ionary algorithms are widely used to solv e differ ent pr oblems in optimal areas. After a careful research, t he simple genetic algor ithm has been impr oved by adopting float- coding method, simulated annealing algor ithm and sor ted stochastic fitness selection strategy; and has been applied to mathematic function optimization. In addition, a new evolutionar y algorit hm- Particle Sw arm Optimization is intro duced and applied to the same mathematic function opt imization. The optimization r esults ar e compared with each other in this paper. The compar at ive result indicates that the Improved Genetic Algor ithm and Particle Sw arm Optimizatio n are both robust. But Par ticle Swarm Opt imization can obtain the optimum solut ions more easily than the Improved Genetic Algor ithm, and it is a good optimization method w ith strong competitiveness.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29