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Robust Asymptotic Tracking Controller Design for Linear Systems with Uncertain Parameters and Unknown Delays(PDF)


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Robust Asymptotic Tracking Controller Design for Linear Systems with Uncertain Parameters and Unknown Delays
LI Chengbo 1 ZHU Xuemei 2 ZHANG Xiaoqing 1
1.Logistical Engineering University of PLA, Chongqing 400016, China
uncerta in sy stem s w ith de lay robust control tracking LM I
Tak ing into cons idera tion linear uncerta in sy stem s w ith de lay, the paper proposes a new m ethod of design ing a robust asym ptotic track ing contro ller by adopting the linear ma tr ix inequa lity ( LM I) approach. The designed contro ller is uncerta in for contro l inputm a trix, state inputm a trix and controlled output m atr ix, and has som e system s w ith delay w ith state de lay, and a ll thesem ake the output of the system approx im a te tracking ex ternal re ference signa ls. For a ll a llowable param e ter va riations and de lays, the system s are inte rnally stable and the ir outputs asym ptot-i cally track the comm and re fe rence input. The asym pto tic track ing is proofed by Lyapunov function. The resu lts o f M atlab sim ulation show that th is approach is feasible.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29