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Construct IPv6-Enabled High Performance FTP System(PDF)


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Construct IPv6-Enabled High Performance FTP System
SONG Dongxing 12 GONG Jian 2
1.Department of Computer,Institute of Changshu Technology, Jiangsu Changshu 215500, China;2.Department of Computer Engineering,Southeast University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210096, China
IPv6 Socke t Inte rface bbftp transp lant h igh pe rfo rm ance FTP system
As the deve lopm ent standard o f nex t generation IP ne tw ork, Ipv6 is bound to substitutes for Ipv4. W ith the smoo th transition from IPv4 to IPv6, var ious k inds of ex isting application program w ill certain ly accomm oda te to the next genera tion netwo rk, thus constructing the app lication procedure based on Ipv6 is of g reat real significance. Th is artic le introduces perform ance o f bb ftp, a file transfer softw are under the Ipv4, and structure of the IPv6 socke t interface, analyzes them a in d ifference in socket inter face structure between IPv6 and IPv4, and c larifies the difficulties in and prob lem s on transp lanting the application prog ram from Ipv4 to Ipv6, the realiz ing scheme and the me thod to be adopted. A ccording to the ac tua l dem and, in comb ination w ith IPv6 socket prog ramm ing, a IPv6- enabled h igh perform ance FTP sy stem is realized by transfo rm ing bbftp. The ana ly sis o f the tested data for the transplanted system show s that the system is stab le and re liable, and reaches the expec ted ends


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Last Update: 2013-04-29