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Combined Radiation and Conduction Heat Transfer Calculations Using Unstructured Grid(PDF)


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Combined Radiation and Conduction Heat Transfer Calculations Using Unstructured Grid
ZHANG Min1 HUANG Qinghong2
1. School of Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu Nanjing 210094, China; 2. School of Power Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China
unstruc tured g rid /m esh conduction heat transfe r rad iative hea t transfe r
Coup led conduction and rad iation heat transfer prob lem s are solved by using the based-ce ll and the fin ite vo lum em ethod ( FVM ) in the reg ions w ith the m ed ium s. The com bined heat transfe r equations are discretized in the unstructu red m eshes and the calcu lating program s are w r itten. The radiative heat source o f the com bined equation is treated spec ially. M eanwh ile, in comb inatory w ith the govern ing equa tions and the severa l o fm ed ium cha racte rs, the d im ension less numbers are obta ined and com puted by us ing unstruc tured quad g rids in various param eters, such as, optical th ickness S, conduction rad ia tion pa ram e terN, and sca tter ing a lbedo X. From the resu lts, the basic trends can be obta ined o f how the both m odes of hea t transfer interactw ith each othe r. W h ileN = 0.1 and ω= 0.1, the sensitiv ity of optical th ickness S increases in the low temperature zone, and it decreases w hen X increases. W hileN = 0. 1 and r= 0.5, the sensitiv ity o f sca tter ing albedoX is stronger in the low tem pera ture zone. Wh ile X= 0. 5 and S = 0. 5, the e ffect o f conduction-rad ia tion param eterN is lim ited.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29