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An Algorithm for Similar Sub-patterns Discovery From Time Series(PDF)


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An Algorithm for Similar Sub-patterns Discovery From Time Series
ZHANG Jun 12 CHEN Hanwu1 MA Zhimin1
1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210096, China; 2. Department of Information Engineering, Jiangsu Maritime Institute, Jiangsu Nanjing 211170, China
tim e ser ies data m in ing sim ilar sub-sequence pattern distance
General m ethod of s im ilar sequence m ining based on tim e series is to transfo rm tim e series into d iscrete character ser ies and c luste r them into diffe rent sets, then com pute the Euc lidean distance betw een query ing series and these se ts to m easure the ir sim ilarity. These m ethods ignore the position and ho listic character istic o f tim e series and w ork w ith high tim e comp lex ity, acco rd ing to wh ich th is paper proposes an algorithm of search ing the key po ints wh ich d iv ides the tim e ser ies into line segm ents. A fte r check ing the fitness o f each line segments, we can qu ick ly m ine the sim ilar sub- sequence w ith pa ttern d istance m easurem ent and qu ick pruning m ethod.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29