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The Performance Studies on Auxiliary Heat Source of the Water Loop Heat Pump(PDF)


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The Performance Studies on Auxiliary Heat Source of the Water Loop Heat Pump
WU Wei
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China
w ater loop heat pump aux iliary hea t source energy consum ption
The form s o f d ifferen t aux iliary heat sources in the air condition ing system of wa ter loop hea t pump are introduced. A im ing at the irrationa l trad itional way o f supp ly ing hea t, in wh ich the h igh potentia l energy source ( e lectr ic ity, g as, o i,l coa,l etc) is changed into the low potentia l energy o f loop ing w ate r by bo iler ( o r heat transfe r insta llment ) and the looping w ater is heated by the indoorw ate r/ a ir source heat pum p and then supplies energy to indoor units, the paper proposes the a ir source-wa ter source hybrid heat pump system in w hich the bo iler is rep laced by air source heat pump, ca rr ies ou t the perfo rmance operated in the condition of d ifferen t co ld-and-ho t load ratio o f inside and outside bu ild ing d istr ict in w inter, and com pares it w ith the ene rgy consum ption o f trad itiona lw ater loop hea t pump in wh ich the bo iler was used. The results show tha t the energy e ffic iency ratio o f the a ir cond itioning sy stem o f air source-w ater source hybrid heat pum p is h igher.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29