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The Realization of the Precise Frequency Sweep Signal Source(PDF)


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The Realization of the Precise Frequency Sweep Signal Source
ZHU Yanhai
Department of Forensic Science,Jiangsu Police Officer College,Nanjing 210012, China
frequency sweep signal source phase lock VCO
Frequency sweep signal source, which emphasizes on different aspects according to different situations, is the keystone of various sweepers and network test sets. As a result of octaves, widely - used broad band frequency sweep signal source always exp loitsmixing to p roduce output signals, which will achieve a better result if controlled well in such aspects as frequency sweep linearity, frequency stability and frequency p recision. At p resent, due to the lower stability and accuracy of domestic frequency sweep signal source, the technology of using phase lock to p roduce frequency sweep signal source has been app lied many times. In order to design broad band frequency sweep signal source, multiring is used, and frequency sweep and fixed sweep adop t phase lock loop circuit, while considering concrete p roblems in each step. ECL circuit is used during the treatment of high2speed fractional frequency, while VCO using high-rate analog device, and also with the treatment of power supp ly, hence the overall performance of source will be imp roved. With the imp rovement, the source can p rovide p recise input standard in some measurements on os cillators, amp lifiers, cables, standing wave, frequency spectrums, etc. , which will make the whole measurement p rocessmore accurate and credible.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29