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Block-Iterative Algorithm with Row Projection for Consistent Linear System(PDF)


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Block-Iterative Algorithm with Row Projection for Consistent Linear System
1,2),YANG Yang~1,LU Weidong~1
b lock- itera tive a lgor ithm w ith row pro jec tion column partition stra tegy the rem otest block
In th is paperw e d iscuss a b lock- itera tive algorithm w ith row projection for solv ing large consistent linear system. Th is a lgor ithm is based on theKaczm arz a lgor ithm. The key idea is tha t the coe ffic ient m atr ixA is firstly d-i v ided into b locks, then the current iterativ e po int is pro jec ted onto the remo test b lo ck measured by the distance between the ite rative po int and the b lo ck, and the pro jec tion is taken as the nex t iterative po int. Num er ica l simu la tions show that block- iterative a lgo rithm w ith row pro jection is very effic ient fo r so lv ing il-l conditioned problem s. Com pared w ith the c lassical C imm ino a lgo rithm, a lgo rithm acce le rates the converg ence greatly. In addition w e present a new co-l um n partition strategy, based on the estim ate o f co lumn-dependence o f each block, to d iv ide the coeffic ientm atrixA.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29