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Extraction of Phenyl Acetic Acid with Trioctylamine based on Chemical Complexation(PDF)


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Extraction of Phenyl Acetic Acid with Trioctylamine based on Chemical Complexation
CHEN WeiYANG JingCUI ShihaiPENG Panying
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
extractingmethod based on chemical comp lexing phenyl acetic acid salt effect mechanism
Phenyl acetic acid in waterwas extracted based on chemical comp lexion and the extraction mechanism of phenyl acetic acid was studied. The paper also discussed certain factors that influence the extracting efficiency. The results showed that both hydrogen bonding and ionization existed in the comp lex formed by TOA and phenyl acetic acid, and ion2pair association wasweakened by inorganic anion competition. This technique was of characteristic of high capacity and high selectivity.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29