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Application about the Hough Transform in Geometrical Property Measurement(PDF)


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Application about the Hough Transform in Geometrical Property Measurement
ZHAO Shuan 1 2 FENG Shaotong2 N IE Shoup ing2
1. Departm ent of Basic S cience, Su qian Co llege, Suq ian 223800, Ch in a;
2. S chool ofPhysical Science and Techno logy, Nan jing Norm alU nivers ity, N an jing 210097, C h ina
m ode l identifica tion H ough transform geom etrical propertym easurem ent com pute r s imu la tion
The paper introduces the pr inc iple o f the H ough transform ation and stud ies the po int-line dua lity of the H ough transform a tion. It a lso ana lyzed the theory of detecting the ang le and d istance o f para llel pieces, and put for w ard a m ethod to m easure the aperture of triang le and d iamond as we ll as the ax ia l length o f ellipse based on the H ough transfo rma tion. The computer simu la tion measurem ent resu lts indicate tha tH ough transfo rm ation has peculiari ty in de tecting the target wh ich is composed o f the stra ight p ieces, it can transform the detec tion targe t to the param e ter space from the targe t space, and it w ill avo id the comp lex a rithm etic on the target class ification and encod ing in ob jec t space detection, therefo re it m akes the param eterm easurem ent becom e sim pler and easie r to so lve. The find ings can bew idely app lied to the automa tic survey of fibre, aperture and so on


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Last Update: 2013-04-29