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Implementation of SSO Between WebSphere and Domino in Multi-Directory Environment(PDF)


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Implementation of SSO Between WebSphere and Domino in Multi-Directory Environment
YUAN GuixiaYANG Jiwen
School of Computer Science and Technology,Soochow University,Suzhou 215006,China
S ing le Sign-on mu lt-i d irectory w ebSphere lotus dom ino
S ing le S ign-on be tw eenW ebSphere and Dom ino can lessen d ifficulty for users and comp lex ity fo rm anag em en t. This paper introduces the princ ip le of S ing le Sign-on betweenW ebSphere and Dom ino in a sing le d irecto ry, analyses the m a jor prob lem o f S ing le S ign-on w hich is caused by mu lt-i d irectory and mu lt-i identity in the ente rprise, study ies the possib ility o fW ebSphere and Dom ino using the th ird party LDAP and stud ies how to settle the prob lem o f m ult-i directory. It ana lyses the real reason of the fa ilure of S ing le S ign-on based on examp les and se ttles the prob lem of Sing le S ign-on by’ nam em app ing’ in the case o fm ult-i identity. The possib ility o f them ethod has been va lidated by the actual app lica tion in an enterpr ise.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29