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Optimal Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Control Systems Based On GA(PDF)


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Optimal Scheduling for Real-Time Tasks in Control Systems Based On GA
Liu Huai1Xie Dongfeng2Liu Ning3Huang Jianxin1
1.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Yunnan Tobacco Corp,Kunming 650011,China;3.Research Institute of Automation,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
contro l system schedu ling a lgor ithm gene tic a lgo rithm s sam pling pe riod contro l delay
Task schedu ling in the control system influences not on ly the resource u tiliza tion of the system, bu t a lso the contro l perfo rmance of the system, and thus is one of the key techn iques for design ing and rea lizing the system. Firstly, real- tim e periodic task is investiga ted and task m ode l is g iven. Based on these, EDF algor ithm is adopted to schedu le this k ind of task and schedulab le cond ition is preven ted. Accord ing to the re lationship of the perfo rm ance o f contro l system and sam pling per iods and contro l delays o f tasks, the pe rfo rm ance is optim ized. Because sam pling periods and contro l de lays have influences on each other, g enetic algorithm based on floating-po in t cod ing is adopted to optim ize sam pling pe riod so as to improve the pe rfo rm ance o f the sy stem. In order to converge to g lobal optim um m ore quick ly and no t to p lunge a loca l extremum, rank-based se lec tion a lgor ithm and arithm etic crossove r operator and nonuniform mu tation opera tor a re adopted. S imu lation results ind icate that the perform ance index of contro l system can be improv ed obv iously by adopting genetic a lgor ithm under the cond ition o f guarantee ing the rea-l tim e of the tasks in the system.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29