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The Experiment Research of Degradation of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene by Microorganism(PDF)


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The Experiment Research of Degradation of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene by Microorganism
Xu Dongying12Lü Xiwu2
1.Department of Civil Engineering,Shaoxing University,Shaoxing 312000,China;2.College of Civil Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
artific ia-lm edia 1 2 4- tr ichlorobenzene deg radation w ater quality improvem ent
1, 2, 4- trich lo robenzene added inM eiliang Bayw as degraded through the use of enr iched m icrobes in Taihu Lake by artificia lm edia. The result show s that after the dom estication of low organ ic po llutan ts concentra tion, the b iodegradation effic iency of 1, 2, 4- tr ichlorobenzenew as above 70%, when the se ttle tim e w as 6 days. The b iodeg radation of TOC and CODMn w as respectiv ely be tw een 55% ~ 85% and 40% ~ 60%. It is ev ident tha t the trace quantity organ ic po llutants o f 1, 2, 4- tr ichlorobenzene in the source w ate r quality from M e iliang Bay in Ta ihu Lake cou ld be w e ll degraded by enriched m icrobes on the artificia lm ed ia.


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Last Update: 2013-04-29