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Synthesis of Spherical CaCO3 by Polyvinyl Alcohol as Additive(PDF)


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Synthesis of Spherical CaCO3 by Polyvinyl Alcohol as Additive
Zou KongbiaoWang WeiLu WenqingNie Suyun
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
PVA spherical crystal CaCO3 vate rite
Va terite type o f CaCO3 spher ica l crysta l is b ion ica lly synthesized w ith polyv iny l a lcoho l as organ ic basic substance, by con tro lling the appropriate reaction conditions, simuo la ting the b io log ical m ineralization o f CaCO3. The e ffects of PVA, CaC l2 and tem pe ra ture on them orpho logy o f CaCO3 are investigated. It is found that in the g iven cond-i tions, CaCO3 crystal can be successfu lly induced to grow into a spher ica l crystal by ad justing the PVA concentration, the size of vate rite becom es la rger when the CaC l2 concentration is decreased, surface structure o f va terite can be changed when tem pera ture is changed. This m ay be re ferenced to syn thesis nove lm ate rials.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24