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An Implementation Method for Minimal VC Dimensional Classifier(PDF)


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An Implementation Method for Minimal VC Dimensional Classifier
Wei HuirongXu Jianhua
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
support vector m ach ines kerne l functiona l param eter decompositional m ethod com plex optim ization m ethod
In support o f vectorm ach ine the param eters o f kerne l function have to be adjusted in advance. H owever, the constra ined non linear prog ramm ing of m in im al VC d im ensiona l c lassifie r invo lves the param eter o f RBF kerne,l w hich could be determ ined adaptive ly. In this paper, a fast im plem entation m ethod based on the com plex optim iza tion m ethod, pena lty func tion me thod and grad ient descentm e thod is designed to so lve such a nonlinea r problem. Them ethod has no t on ly good perform ance o f c lassification, but a high speed to dea l w ith la rge data sets. The expe rim en tal resu lts on four benchm ark data se ts demonstra te that our a lgor ithm runs faster and ob tains h ighe r prec is ion than the fam ous SVM l ight algorithm does.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24