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Thermodynamic Analysis of a Wastewater Source Plant Both as a Water Chiller and a Heat Pump(PDF)


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Thermodynamic Analysis of a Wastewater Source Plant Both as a Water Chiller and a Heat Pump
Fu Hongchun1Du Kai1Zhang Jianzhong2
1.School of Energy and Environment,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China;2.Nanjing Architectural Design and Research Institute Co.Ltd,Nanjing 210005,China
w astew ater source plant both as a w ater ch ille r and a heat pum p exergy effic iency
Thewo rk ing princ ip les o fw astew ater source p lant both as a wa ter chiller and a hea t pump and perfo rm ances o f w astew ater source a re briefly introduced in this paper. Then, calculating form ulas on exergy destroys in re frig era tion and heat pum p states o fm a in un its in w astew ater source plant and exergy e fficiency of th is k ind of plan t are m inute ly stated, wh ich are used to ana ly ze exergy losses in m a in un its and ex ergy effic iency of the plant w ith different tem perature w astew ater sources in refr ige ration and hea t pum p sta tes. exergy effic iency of the p lant vary from 41.6% to 48.7% in coo ling cond ition and from 54.2% to 59.1% in heating cond ition. A cco rding to the results, e fficient approaches to inc rease exergy effic iency o f wastewa ter source plant bo th as aw ate r chiller and a heat pump are presented


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Last Update: 2013-04-24