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An Improved Accurate FDTD Simulation Technique Using Relatively Coarse Mesh(PDF)


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An Improved Accurate FDTD Simulation Technique Using Relatively Coarse Mesh
Zhou Baixin1Miao Runxing2Wang Sicong1
1.School of Electrical and Automatization Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Printing Center of Xinhua Daily Press Group,Nanjing 210092,China
FDTD sim ulation PEC uniform m icrowave str ipline
In th is paper, a fast convergent techn ique w as presented. An improved accurate FDTD ( F inite D ifference T im e Dom a in) s imu la tion resu lt cou ld be g enerated using a relatively coarsem esh fo r PEC planar structures if an e ffective factor is proper ly selected. It is ve ry va luab le because the ca lcu lating time and space cou ld be decreased when FDTD simu lation is done. A m icrowave patch antenna and a low pass filterw ere used in th is pape r to ver ify the proposed schem e.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24