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A Fisher Linear Discriminant Classification Approach Dealing With Single Positive Sample(PDF)


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A Fisher Linear Discriminant Classification Approach Dealing With Single Positive Sample
Yin JunmeiYang Ming
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
im ba lanced data se t fisher linear discr im inant( FLD) over-samp ling
An approach to dea ling w ith imbalanced data set w ith on ly one positive sam ple is proposed. After finding out the K-Near-Ne ighbours( K-NN) o f the sing le pos itive sample, according to certa in rules, synthetic samp les are produced in turn on the connected lines be tw een the sing le positive samp le and every near ne ighbour of it. Then the produced synthetic samp les are added to the o rig ina l positive c lasses. Further, the new data set is tra ined w ith the we ighing F isher linear d iscr im inant classification approach. In the experim ent, e igh t data sets are chosen from UCI, and the da ta sets are tra ined. The resu lts show that th is approach can improve the classifica tion perfo rmance o f the m inor ity classes effective ly.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24