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Computing the Reliability of Network With Small Distances Between Adjacent Nodes(PDF)


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Computing the Reliability of Network With Small Distances Between Adjacent Nodes
He Ming12Qiu Hangping1Hu Aiqun2Luo Chen1
1.Institute of Command Automation,PLA University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210007,China;2.Information Science and Engineering Institute,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
network reliability two- term ina l re liability K- term ina l re liab ility random graph
A new m ethod is presented for com puting the node-pair reliab ility o f netw ork system s m ode led by random g raphs w ith nodes a rranged in sequence. It is based on a recurs ive algor ithm using the slid ing w indow techn ique, and the w indow is composed o f seve ra l consecutive nodes. In a sing le step, the connectivity probab ilities fo r a ll nodes included in thew indow are computed. Subsequently, the w indow ism oved one node fo rw ard. Th is process is repeated unti,l in the last step, the w indow reaches the term inal node. The connectiv ity probabilities found at that po int are used to compu te the node-pair reliability o f the ne tw ork sy stem in question. The a lgor ithm is designed espec ially fo r g raphs w ith sm a ll distances between ad jacent nodes


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Last Update: 2013-04-24