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Research on a Mixed Job Scheduling Strategy in Grid Environment(PDF)


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Research on a Mixed Job Scheduling Strategy in Grid Environment
Wu Hao1Feng Xiaohui1Li Changgang2Gao Chengdong3
1.Electrical Engineering Department of Jiujiang Vocational and Technical College,Jiujiang 332007,China;2.Electronics and Computer Department of Guilin University of Technology,Guilin 541004,China;3.Institute of Meteorology,PLA University of Science and Te
gr id job schedule resource distribute
G rid job scheduling is the process w he re the platfo rm m ore effic iently d istributes compu ting tasks of app lications
to proper compu ting resources. The paper analyzes the go als and strateg ies o f g rid job scheduling, and baded on it,
pu ts fo rw ard a com prehensive job schedu ling a lgo rithm, and a lso g ives a sim ulation result


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Last Update: 2013-04-24