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Visual Tracking Algorithm Based on a Novel Similarity Function(PDF)


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Visual Tracking Algorithm Based on a Novel Similarity Function
Xia YuWu Xiaojun
School of Information Engineering,Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China
partic le filte r h istog ram sim ilar ity m easure H SV Bhattacharyya coe ffic ient
Temp la tem atch ing is an im portant link of v isua l track ing. A nove l tem plate statistical featurem atching sim -i larity criter ion is proposed w ith a track ing fram ework using particle filter. W e ighted factor is introduced to effec tive ly reduce the influence o f border no ise and background feature, and a great em inence is g iven to the im portance o f targe t feature. S im ilarity b ias m ay be got in the two com plete ly different temp la tes because of the intersection of statistica l features. The proposed m ethod can correct the bias and improv e the peak moda lity ofm a tch ing function by fusing sim ila rity based on H SV co lor system, so it can obta in the g lobal optim al so lu tion and robust tracking. Exper im enta l results show tha t tem plate m atch ing has an exce llen t peak d istr ibution, and the proposed track ing a lgor ithm exh ib its good precision and robustness in the presence o f no ise, defo rma tion and occ lusion.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24