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An Alterable Granularity Collision Avoidance Strategy Based on XML(PDF)


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An Alterable Granularity Collision Avoidance Strategy Based on XML
Shi HaoZhuang YiWang Kai
College of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China
co llaborativ e design co llision avoidance lock m echanism node re levancy
A im ing at the prob lem of data consistency in collaborative des ign, the pape r analyzes the ava ilab le strateg ies o f subsequent co llision avo idance, puts fo rw ard one co llision avo idance stra tegy of a lterab le g ranu larity lock by com bining w ith the particu larity of CATIA. It designs the g lobal frame and kerne l a lgo rithm. It adopts re levancy of nodes as the dec id ing cr iterion to arb itrate and choose nodes, and puts fo rw ard the a lgor ithm of ma in tain ing node relevant aggreg ation. In the co llaborativ e design platfo rm, XML is used to carry out the subsequent contro l mechan ism, and the propo sed algorithm. The exper iment indicates tha t user can access m ode l resourcem utua lly exc lusive ly and ensure the consistency


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Last Update: 2013-04-24