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Ontology Mapping Based on the Concept Lattice Model(PDF)


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Ontology Mapping Based on the Concept Lattice Model
Sheng YanLi YunLi TuoLuan Luan
Institute of Information Engineering,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,China
onto logy mapp ings form a l concept ana lysis inform a tion entropy semantic sim ilarity m easu re
In th is paper, the ex isting m ethod by using form a l concept ana lysis is im proved. F irstly, semantic sim ilarity m atr ix using in fo rm ation entropy is g iven in o rder to un ify the descr iption o f the on to logy concepts. attributes. Secondly, a new a lgo rithm is suggested to comp le te the fo rma l context. Th ird ly, the sim ilar ity o f the onto logy concepts is computed by the com pleted form a l context and new relations o ther than the known re la tions cou ld be ex tracted through the concept lattice.


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Last Update: 2013-04-24